How Alan Bates received bookings from the MICHELIN Guide with Mozrest

noviembre 10, 2022
Mozrest - Extract of the testimonial of Alan Bates, chef-owner of the restaurant selected in the MICHELIN Guide Connection by Alan Bates in Copenhagen, Denmark

Testimonio de Alan Bates

‘Very happy with Mozrest! As a lifelong fan of the MICHELIN Guide, receiving bookings directly from the MICHELIN Guide’s website showed up as evidence. Guest experience is essential to me, and Mozrest provided a great solution to simplify their booking journey. The connection between the MICHELIN Guide and my reservation software was fast and easy, and I started to receive bookings immediately!’ – Alan Bates, Chef and owner at Connection by Alan Bates.

Cómo Mozrest ayuda a Connection de Alan Bates a recibir más reservas en línea.

The smallest gourmet restaurant in Copenhagen, Connection by Alan Bates offers an engaging dining experience with a surprise menu showcasing Danemark’s finest products. Alan Bates, its talented chef-owner, offers an insight into his life and experiences through the changing 11-course menu reflecting from start to finish its personal journey.

To increase his online bookings and make the booking experience more delightful for his guests, Alan Bates asked Mozrest to connect his restaurant’s MICHELIN Guide page with his existing reservation software.

In no time, Mozrest connected the MICHELIN Guide with the reservation software used by Connection by Alan Bates. The restaurant started to receive online bookings directly from his restaurant’s MICHELIN Guide page automatically. Nothing to do on the restaurant’s side. Mozrest took care of everything!

¿Listo para recibir más reservas en su software de reservas?

Eurydice Hallé
Eurydice es la Gerente de Comunicaciones de Marketing en Mozrest. Ella desarrolla la marca y la conciencia digital de la empresa y está apasionada por ayudar a los restaurantes a aumentar las reservas y ofrecer una experiencia superior a los huéspedes.